Category Chess

Chess Traps | Rubinstein Trap

Chess Trap - Rubinstein Trap (post)

The Rubinstein Trap is a chess opening trap in the Queen’s Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense. This subtle trap at the very least wins an important central pawn, but also can trap the black queen if Black is greedy. Rubinstein trap…

Chess Traps | Siberian Trap

Chess Traps - Siberian Trap (post)

The Siberian Trap derives from the Smith-Morra Gambit in the Sicilian Defense. White will offer up a pawn sacrifice in the Smith-Morra Gambit in exchange for rapid development. His pieces will be developed to great squares but black will be…

Chess Traps | Fajarowicz Trap

Chess Traps - Fajarowicz Trap (post)

This sneaky trap comes out of the Budapest Gambit opening. The Budapest Gambit is a popular opening among both amateurs and top players because it contains a variety of traps. At the early 1920s, German chess players Sammi Fajarowicz and…

Chess Traps | Lasker Trap

Chess Traps - Lasker Trap (post)

The Lasker Trap is a chess opening trap in the Albin Countergambit, named after the second World Champion Emanuel Lasker. Black plays the Albin-countergambit to face White’s queen’s gambit. The unusual though very powerful feature of Lasker Trap is the…